iphone Photography Tips: What I've Learned


If you've stumbled upon this, I'm glad you're here. But first, a quick disclaimer: I have no formal photography training. I shoot only iPhone. Everything I am about to share here is either self-taught or tips I've picked up from other iPhone photographers I admire. If you're like me, you don't have the funds to buy an expensive camera and editing software. However, my experience has taught me that you don't have to have a professional camera and spend lots of money to take quality photos (no offense to the professionals). 


Let's be honest. The iPhone camera is not a professional camera. But it's not bad either. It shoots at 12 megapixels, light years below what you would get with a professional camera but enough to take a decent shot. Although the iPhone 7 is the best camera yet for the iPhone (I'm writing this May 2017), it still struggles to capture certain types of depth, detail, and lighting.


Lightweight. Easy to carry. Point and click. Easy to navigate photo album. Easy to upload photos.


Let's start from the beginning.

Select a subject matter: I love to travel and go hiking, so a lot of what I'm taking pictures of is landscapes. But do what works for you! If you love portraits, then you'll take lots of photos of people.

My next objective is to capture as many photos as I can (I mean ALOT) and then go back to see what my favorites are. Remember: More is better. I give myself lots of options by taking lots of pictures. As I get better at selecting what photos I'm going for, the less pictures I will take. 


When it comes to detail, depth, and lighting iPhone can be a challenge. But there are ways to make up for this.

Lighting is your best friend and worst enemy. I rely heavily on lighting - time of day and direction I'm shooting my shot - to get a favorable shot. I generally shoot away from the sun. The only exception with this is when I want I silhouette an object. 

I also take lots of time on composition - setting up my shot by what and who is in the photo. By having a subject matter (person or thing) at certain places in the shot I can fill the photo frame and make the photo interesting for the viewer. Sometimes adding a foreground can add a dimension of depth. Capturing certain colors or textures can also add variety in my shot.

Change your perspective. Hold the phones different ways to capture different depths. Play with the settings to adjust the light. The more you familiarize yourself with the settings the more you will find what works for you.

And finally, a good edit can make worlds of difference. Editing will be what makes a good photo a great photo. 


I always recommend using no filter when shooting just because you can always change how the photo looks later. It is much harder to do that in reverse. Get yourself a good editing app. I currently edit within Instagram which gives me all I need to feel comfortable with my shots. It's easy, free, quick (I don't want to spend lots of time editing when I want to upload and share a photo) and I believe the quality is not far off other apps you"ll have to pay for.

If you're looking for something besides Instagram for a quick edit try Snapseed or VSCO. I have used both of these in the past with success but I know far less about them.

Photo editing presets are becoming more popular too. These are available for purchase through different photographers on Instagram.


I know this is a quick run-down. But I wanted to share how simple it can be to take quality shots with an iPhone. And, of course, knowing a good editing software will help take your photos from good to great.

Now I'd love to hear from you. What has/hasn't worked for you? And as always, if you've found this article helpful please share with others.